Controlling Sound Transmission in a Converted Basement

A converted basement can help add value and to your house, it also helps to provide that extra valuable space for a family. Sometimes you may have an extra-large basement in the home, which helps to create new possibilities and offers a wide range of purposes. Including but not limited to a family room, a home theater, recreation rooms, offices, even additional bedrooms.

If you turn your basement into an extra living space, you need to understand that the walls and ceiling of a basement will serve as mediums through which structural sound vibrations are delivered throughout other parts of the home. Sounds that originate within the room, from maybe a home theatre or even people talking, will reverberate from surrounding wall and ceiling surfaces, interfering with the intended sound and diminishing the quality of acoustics within the room. The goal in controlling sound transmission is to isolate the basement such that its ability to conduct vibration is compromised.

It is unnecessary to deconstruct finished walls and expose the frame in order to apply noise controlling treatments. A finished wall can be covered with Sonic Ultra High-Impact Panel. With a strong co-polymer face, the is the most durable of our fabric-covered panels. Ideal for noise absorption in high abuse areas. Sturdy yet provides the visually soft, soothing, aesthetics with fabric on the finish.

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